Konrad Zuse. Biography. Contributions. Zuse-Companies. Z3r. Tour-Zuse-Computer. Z23 Crosses Altlantic. Early Computers. Neumann vs Konrad Zuse. Impressum and Contact. Professor Dr.-Ing. habil.
Horst Zuse


The Z22 was the seventh computer model Konrad Zuse developed (the first six being the Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5 and Z11, respectively). One of the early commercial computers, the Z22's design was finished about 1955. The major version jump from Z11 to Z22 was due to the use of vacuum tubes, as opposed to the electromechanical systems used in earlier models. The first machines built were shipped to Berlin and Aachen.

By the end of 1958 the ZMMD-group had built a working ALGOL 58 compiler for the Z22. ZMMD said Zürich (ie. Rutishauser), München (ie. Bauer, Samelson), Mainz (ie. Z22), Darmstadt (ie. Bottenbruch).

The development of the 22 is based on:

Van der Poel: A simple electronic computer, Applied Scientific Research, B.2 (1952, S. 367.

Fromme-Poesch-Witting: Modell eines Rechenautomaten mit kleinstem Aufwand zum Studium von Programmierungsproblemen. Manusscript (1954/55).

Z22 (German)

Zuse-Computer (German)

Z1 (German)

Zuse-Computer with EPEMAG.COM (English)

Zuse-Computer (German)


Goto the Z23 ...

Name of Machine
Z22 from 1958
Tube machine with a ferrit core memory and a drum.
Ca. 140.000 Hertz generated by the drum.
Arithmetic Unit
Binary floating point arithmetic controlled by micro-instructions. 38 bits.
Average calculation Speed
Fixed point: Addition 0,6ms, Multiplication 10ms, Divsion 60ms, Square root 200ms; Floating point: 20-25 operations per sec.
Punch tape, Type writer.
Punch tape, Type writer.
Word Length
38 bits
Ca. 400 tubes, 2400  diodes.
Ferrit core memory with 8 words each of 38 bits, drum 8192 words each of 38 bits.
Power Consumption
Ca. 3500 Watt
Ca. 1000 KG
Area of Application
Areas of application: Business economics, constructional engineering, machine building, electronics, nuclear reactor building, ballistics, surveying, aerodynamics, optics, mining.
180.000 minimal.
Zuse-Computer (English)
Zuse-Computer (German)
Konrad Zuses Work on a DVD
First in a serie produced tube computer in Germany.
Lorenz Hanewinkel was the technical designer of the Z22. A ferrit core memory was implemented with 8 words and each of 38 bits. The Z22-1 with the serial number 1 is on displav in the Konrad Zuse Museum in Hünfeld.